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2003-03-23 - 9:32 a.m.

Spring has sprung. Friday night was the first night that I kicked the covers off of me rather than pull them up close to my chin. By the time Friday rolls around, I'm drained of every ounce of energy I might have thought that I possessed. I was in bed by 9:30 p.m. I slept a full 12 hours and then immediately hit the ground.

It's spring.

It's like all the doors are open and you don't have to worry about snow or ice or driving or whether anyone will be too tired from shoveling snow to go anywhere or do anything with you.

I talked to the tree trimming guy. He's coming out on Monday. I think it's going to be a bigger job than I anticipate. I might have to call an actual tree company rather than a tree guy.

I ordered a new hubcap. I lost mine on front passenger side in the middle of winter somewhere and refused to puchase another one until spring had sprung. Yesterday I ordered a used one from my new favorite place. Hubcap House in Ct.

How genius is that? I'm firmly convinced that they get an order, steal the hubcap that night and ship it the next day. Whatever it takes for me to pay $30 used rather than $80 new I say.

I then took myself to the Scrub-A-Dub on American Legion Highway. I paid $12.50 for the regular wash and the undercarriage wash. I'm gonna wash that salt right out of my life.

I stood out in the vaccum area for almost an hour detailing the inside of my car. My scrub a dub has a sign that says, "Keep the radio playing to a minimum." I thought that was nice. I cleaned the inside of the windows, I scrubbed the dash and all the touch-y parts. I determined that I drink a hell of a lot of coffee in my car and spill about 90 percent of it. There was rice spilled in my backseat. I wanna know how THAT happended. I decided that in the future it's totally worth paying a guy $100 to really detail the car.

It did smell better.

THEN. Then I sent to Rainbow in Mattapan. I dunno what I was thinking. Well. I do actually. I love Rainbow. It's ultra cheap clothing that lasts all of two seconds but looks KYOOT. There used to be a Rainbow near my train station in Brooklyn. I have a soft spot for Rainbow and Mattapan is like two seconds from my house.

Boston is divided in several neighborhoods. Mattapan is one of them. The word neighborhood in Boston is code word for, "weird racial lines that we just don't know to fix so we never talk about." Crossing a line is weird. I have never been to Southie for instance. Southie is filled with old-school touch Irish Catholic guys who scare the beejeezus out of me. Mattapan on the other hand, is where Bostonians keep their blacks. Or. That's how it feels.

So I go there yesterday because I'm all like, "I LOVE ME SOME RAINBOW." And I was *the* only white girl I saw the entire time. Now. I've been in places where I was the only white girl. But *this*. This just felt off. In a "don't you know where the lines are to these neighborhoods" kind of deal? Like the rules had changed and no one had bothered to make a general announcement to the citizens of Boston.

The racial tensions in this town. Are. Just. Messed up.

I don't know how else to describe it.

Messed. Up.

Anyway. I got a super great dress at the Rainbow in Mattapan.

It was *kind* of like this. Only not a plus size and not denimn. It was a gauzy kind of chiffon material. Black with little flowers over it. Lemme tell you. CUTE. I look so KYOOT in that dress!

Then... I went over to Jamaica Plain. The neighborhood where Boston keeps it people who insist on wearing Birks. I had been trying to get to this bookstore there for some time and kept getting lost. I finally found it yesterday. It SUCKED. I've never seen a bookstore that sucked this much. They had a really weird half-assed collection of books, no magazines and really weird *sections* that made no sense. There was a section called the "writer's voice" that had stuff like Anne Lamontt's "Bird by Bird" which made sense and then "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" which made NO SENSE. They had a special "Middle Eastern" display of books with NO BOOKS ON ISLAM.


So then I'm all like... well let me try this new independent video store in JP. So I went to track it down. And it SUCKED TOO. It was all rentals, there was no good place to park and everyone was overly surley.

Who needs OVERLY surley?

Sometimes JP just over-bills itself. They say they have all these hip stores for their hip clients, but they're just slap-dashed together. Really. If the video place and the bookstore would combine... AND sell videos and magazines AND have their stock better arranged... THEN they'd have a whole store.


So I went over to the Blockbuster on American Legion Highway. Purchased Clerks and Singles. Singles being one of my all-time favorite watch over and over films. And rented Brown Sugar.

Excellent Saturday night flick.

Then. We were talking about Cameron Crowe being married to one of the Heart girls. And we like Heart music. So that made me think of Rush. Whom my ex really really liked and dragged me to so many Rush concerts (insert standard :::boggle:::: that I've been to at least four Rush concerts. I know.) that I LEARNED TO LIKE THEM TOO. So I downloaded all kinds of Rush and Heart and Pat Benatar last night and made a kick ass CD at around midnight .

And thus ended Saturday.

Sunday. Sunday is even SUNNIER! I LOVE ME SOME SPRING!


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