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2003-03-21 - 9:34 a.m.

It must be Spring! I'm sneezing like a demon. :::reaches for more nasonex:::

I love it. It's rainy and grey and FIFTY DEGREES outside. The skyline is covered in a smog so that you can't even see the Pru Building from Fenway Park. I'm fully convinced that it's from all the dirty, black snow melting and releasing thousands of pounds of salt and sand that the City of Boston put down on the roads all winter longer... into the spring air.

It's like we're all breathing melted snow covered in salt/sand. This theory was only furthered by the fact that my windshield got covered in salt during the rain this morning on the way into work.

Glorious really.

We met two of my NYC good good friends for dinner last night on Newbury Street. :::cue chi-chi music here:::: I drove in from the burbs where I work, which required me to take the Pike into town. WHICH required me to pay two, $1 tolls to go maybe five miles.


I then promptly got off at the Pru Center exit rather than the Copley Plaza exit (confusing in the fact that the Pru Center IS IN Copley Plaza. Boston traffic math. Go figure :::shrug:::) and my little Green Beetle spontaneously exited so far through the chutes and tunnels under the City of Boston that I ended up at the Museum of Fine Arts. AND. Lemme tell you. The MFA is the complete opposite direction of Newbury Street.

::::u-turn OVER the Green Line's Trolley tracks and through the Jersey barriers::::

Series of left and right turns and I found the last available totally legal side street parking spot in all of the Back Bay region.


Quite a feat for the girl who has NEVER EVER driven in the Back Bay. I tell people that and they're like... REALLY?

And I'm all like... Um. Yeah. Guess what? If public transit goes to a place, then I'm taking it. And public transit goes to the Back Bay.

I'm a HUGE fan of public transit. Largely because I'm such not a fan of parallel parking in the City of Boston.


I got there way way early so I took myself on a little walking tour of Newbury Street and the surrounding environs. And lordy. All those swirly white lights and pretty shops and SIDEWALKS.


I walked really fast and purposefully and just kept smiling.

I love cities. So. So. Much.

And then I saw my friends! And The Girl met us and brought our friends JoeJacket and BonMot and we had the yummiest Indian food on Newbury Street. And. Two bottles of wine.

And today?

Today I'm taking a little vacation day in the cubicle.

No one has to know.


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