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2002-02-05 - 4:16 p.m.

I had a Remote Access Training class from 10:30-11:30 today. Only it really started at 11 a.m. so the five of us in the class stood in a very blank, very dull hallway for half an hour killing time. I always. And I mean. Always carry reading material with me. Because you just never know. And I've been stuck in enough bus lines and subway stations in my life to know to always have a distraction.

So I read my Boston Magazine. About Muslims in Boston. Which frankly was a very dull article. But then I discovered that the Boston Ballet is doing Giselle next week. Which is in the category of Fun and Coincidence because last night while watching Angel, the Girl and I decided that we'd very much like to go to the ballet and to see Giselle.

Mutter to yourself, "What are the odds?" Because I did.

So. I'm in the very dull hallway, reading the very dull magazine and unable to call The Girl and give her the ballet news because my cell phone died this morning. And the trainers arrive. And I point out to them that their email said 10:30, not 11 a.m. and that we'd all been standing here waiting and one of the very Odd Little Guys turned to me and said:

"Well, that's not what the email should have said."

Which frankly. I wouldn't categorize as an apology at all. More of a statement actually. And a statement that in no way said, "Ooops. Sorry." So. I was pissed.

And I spent the entire training glaring at the guy who knew much less about computers than I did and apparently had a hell of a lot less fashion sense on top of it. Given that he not only had a stutter, but a too-tight, too-white oxford cloth shirt and a barely-there awfully patterned tie. So. I was pissed. Which I think I mentioned.

I hate trainings. For the record.

Today the office. Both offices actually. Had a little Patriots party. Which was fun. Watching the parade in the lunch rooms. Everyone got footballs and there were balloons. And you know. It was FUNNY watching the Patriots ride through Boston streets on those Duck Tours boats. That's just funny. Apparently no one thought to build a couple of floats.

There was a whole, weird moment where I flashed on my first day in the WTC. That was the day that the ticker tape parade was held for the Yankees' World Series championship. I have a really really really clear memory (Reference)of sitting in the basement room of the WTC, getting my ID made. The room was packed and we were all staring at a tiny little tv that was showing the parade.

You just have to wonder. You know. About all the people I got my ID with on that day.

Um. Anyway.

So. The Patriots. Riding on the Duck Tour boats. HA. Funny. And the construction signs on 128 this morning all declared, "Congrats Champion Patriots!" And cars were honking and it gave me goosebumps in an odd, little sort of way.

So. There's that.


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