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2002-02-08 - 4:05 p.m.

I just spent three hours in a department meeting learning about my Myer's-Brigg's type. I thought I knew something about it. Now I really know. And I had a butt-load of Munchkins too. And coffee. A lot.

I'm ENFJ in case anyone's wondering. Off the chart E. Lot of N. Lot of F. The J and the P are really evenly split. But I know me, and I know I'm more comfortable as a J. Hence. ENFJ.

Here are the super fun things I learned about myself today:

-- Under stress, I'm likely to respond by criticizing or blaming, adopting a rigid stance or solution and may press to speed up the pace and take action even more quickly.

I have to say, I liked the bit about speeding up the pace and taking action quickly. That's totally me. If it's a stressful situation in any sense of the word, then I just get the damn thing done. Hence the 30 days from deciding to leave the marriage, to doing it. Hence the quick decision to leave NYC and move to Boston. Hence. A lot of things.

That one makes perfect sense.

-- Primary way of returning to equilibrium following stress or change... is to seek solitude and journal writing.

JOURNAL WRITING. That one really cracked me up. So. So. So. True. Under stress I also have a compulsive search for the truth.

The three things that cause the most stress for me? The three things according to my Myers-Briggs that make me Flip Out. Are:

-- Absence of trust: when I'm in a situation where I'm not trusted or my intentions are misunderstood or I'm not taken seriously. ACK! TRUE! TRUE!

-- Pressure to conform: feeling a pressure to conform to some prevailing view with which I disagree serves as a direct attack on my values.

-- Interpersonal conflict: any situation where conflict rather than harmony prevails can trigger me. It's not necessarily the conflict itself... but the inability to discuss and resolve it. TRUE! TRUE!


Ok. I'm going tonight to see the editor.

I keep thinking of this damn book as being like Riot's pregnancy. In some weird, weird way. And. I know it's not. But. You know. This is like my. Dream. DREAM. My dream.

And what if it doesn't come out?

See. That's the fear. That's the same fear she wrote about. And I was like. WAIT! That's my fear. That's my book. ACK. Freak.

It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok.

Why aren't there frikken "A Book Story" shows on TLC like there are "A Baby Story"?

I'm gettin no societal support here.

It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok.

If this one doesn't come out. You can try again.



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