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2000-10-30 - 02:44:32

Hear that sigh of relief? Um. Yeah. That'd be one CubicleGirl. Going from the toxic wasteland of Mega. To the relative ease and actual humane-ness of Some Company.

The boss is one of those.... could be a mentor-type. She has a sarcastic sense of humor that only I could appreciate. So I do. She's professional as hell and she set me down with a pile of projects and said: "GO".

I love it.

I love it. I love this company. I love that my cubicle is not only twice the size, but is LOCATED IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER.

I spent a good two hours in the bowels of the WTC waiting to get my official id that will allow me and twelve million other people into the towers. Go figure. They had the ticker tape parade on. With all the Yankees and the mayor and some guy singing "Put me in coach" like a moron.

more later.

I'm tired.

I like my job. I like me. I think I have a date on Friday with a whole new Girl.

This is all.


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