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2002-03-02 - 11:04 p.m.

It's 11:03 p.m. and the numbers keep spinning around. I told myself at 4 p.m. today I would take a nap. I haven't yet. I just took one of The Girl's ambien. This happens more than it should. Much more than it should. I should have purchased the new pj bottoms at Old Navy today and but. YOu know. I didn't. So. There's that.

I miss my new york apartment. I miss laying in my bed. And it was a damn good bed. i miss laying in my bed under my quilts, listening to songs on my mp3 player. I miss hearing the B82 bus go past. I miss the little squeal of its brakes at 3 a.m. I miss knowing that people would be taking the bus at 3 a.m. They had someplace to go. I've taken the bus at 3 a.m. More usually I took a car service.

I miss lying in that bed in Brooklyn sometimes.

I get these phone calls from The Good Friend. Now and again. Wherein she tells me where she is and what she sees.

I swear I tear up every time.

Don't tell her that.

Today's was, "We're at University Place and 8th. We're on our way over to the West Village to get tit claps."

"Oooooh! The kind with the chain in the middle right?"

"Oh of course."

"I miss New York."

"I know sweetie. It's still here though!"

Good. Keep reminding me of that.

This is CubeGirl. This is CubeGirl on Ambian.

This is CubeGirl. Going to bed.


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