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2002-02-28 - 10:15 p.m.

I've been converted by the Covey people. I want to change my life in 7 easy Habits. I've been brainwashed. I should stay away. Far away from all cult-like activities. I am easily susceptible. My boss told it was because I'm from the south. That I'm constantly looking for salvation.

She might be right. I may be crazy.

God is laughing at me. A lot. God is laughing at me that I was. Am. So completely taken in by this life planning process offered by Stephen Covey. Who is in fact. Morman.

When just a week ago I was holding forth on stereotypes and generalizations to know end. God sometimes laughs at me. There's a lot to chuckle at.

Cubegirl can be a big ol' idiot sometimes.

I'm currently bidding on a palm pilot/franklin covey planning software combination on Ebay.

Everyone stop bidding against me NOW. Thank you.

I lost my other Palm Pilot. I can't believe I did that. I loved that Palm. Oh so very much.

I think it's lying somewhere on the streets of Cambridge somewhere around Hampshire Street. If anyone sees it. Tell it it's mamma misses her.

The Girl hooked us up on an Internet Broadband connection with Wireless modems. So tonight I stopped on the way home. In little Roslindale Village. And bought a large sourdough, a bottle of wine, and made her some really stellar porkchops as a thank you.

:::looks at the wine bottle:::

Graffigna, Malbec, 1999. Argentina.

I'd highly recommend it.

It was a good night.

In case anyone is tracking.


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