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2001-09-10 - 10:33 a.m.

I'm on a roll with extra butter this morning.

I applied to like 12 jobs last night. I went out this morning and got coffee for the Girl. Because she's all kyoot and there was no coffee and I like driving the Cutlass anyway and I got to say good morning to the kid walking to school outside our house and the Girl needs coffee in the morning.

I come in this morning and listen to NPR because I'm all full of myself like that today and there's this story about vineyards in the Midwest. Like North Dakota or something. And someone made a point that the whole country assumes the only vineyards are on the East Coast or the West Coast because the whole country forgets that things can occur and people do live in the Midwest. And you know what? I totally agree. For some reason it's so easy to just like completely dismiss the Midwest. And anything not on a coast. Which is not only pretty damn presumptuous(sp?) but patronizing and condescending and any number of other things too.

I can say all that being from the Heartland myself.

Which. I seem to have moved away from... to find a coast.

Go figure.

Anyway. I thought about the vineyards in central Missouri. We used to pass them on the way to my grandmother's house just past Rolla. On the way to Jeff City. We'd stop and get grapes from roadside stands set up next to signs advertising Merramac Cavarens. About this time every year.


So I get in this morning. Having found in the Classifieds on Sunday a rather stellar job at the college at which I am currently temping. Marketing Manager for Corporate Events. Honestly. How beyond perfect is that? So my boss and good friend and department head herself, makes a call to that department and.

Things Are Happening.


I called NStar this morning. To ask if they had brownouts last night that would have made my dryer not dry and my oven not heat and my a/c to go away. They said no. They were very nice about saying no though. And they gave me the number to call to make a claim in case their electric did in fact screw up my appliances.

It sounded like this happens often.

I'm replacing fuses tonight. If that doesn't help, I'm calling an electrician.

Things Are Happening.


The following is a random diatribe about an election tomorrow for a Boston Congress seat. Disclaimers as I know them are in italic.

I get to vote in my first Boston election tomorrow. It's a special election to replace a congressman who died... Joe Moakley. (r.i.p.) There might be other races on the ballot. Like. You know. Mayor. But this is the one I'm interested in.

I registered Democrat especially so I could vote in this primary. I really actually wanted to register Green. But I wanted to vote in this primary. And I couldn't find ANYWHERE prior to the time I had to vote.... anything that would tell me if in Massachusetts... like some states... would let you chose which primary you wanted to vote in regardless of how you were registered.

There's a fabulous woman... pro-choice, pro-affordable housing, pro-gun control (and she's a kyoot lesbian!) Cheryl Jacques... whose running against this ASSHOLE. That needs no disclaimer really.I'm sorry. He is.... Stephen Lynch. He's anti-choice, anti-gun control, racist (I mean. Honestly. The guy is the biggest out racist I've ever seen. He actually defended and posted bail for these white kids who were later convicted of terrorizing a group of black kids... I'm not entirely sure of this accusation. I think I might have made a portion of it up. I do know that he was involved in some way in this case where he was for the white kids and against the black kids.

And he opened this charter school in his district that has an enrollment of 96% white kids... which is NO reflection on his district AT ALL). This one is true. It was in the Globe. But the percentage might be wrong. It is more than 90% though. But I think the actual number is 95%.

PLUS HE ONCE HIT SOMEONE AT A CITY BUSINESS MEETING. I mean HE HIT SOMEONE. HIT THEM! Ok. I don't think he actually hit someone. But he did yell at them. This was in the Globe too. I like to think though that someone who would yell obscentities at a city business meeting, would probably hit someone too.

And. You know. He's defaulted on student loans while buying real estate. This part is completely true.

Super nice guy. And of course he's in the lead. Because he does things like never shows up for debates. This is true. Except I think he shows up for debates in neighborhoods where he's in the lead. I know for certain he didn't come to the JP debate.

And the debate he did show up for? He had his white thug guys from the union I'm really pro-union. I just want to emphasize that. picket the tv station where the debate was being held... despite the fact THEY HADN'T BEEN PICKETING at that time of day on any previous days and was a really really low profile picket... this part is all true. and the picket guys all had on LYNCH SHIRTS. ok. they might not ALL have had on Lynch shirts. But the Globe said that at least one guy did. And when the cameras were around, the guy turned it inside out.

And so when Lynch's car pulled up, they pulled out their picket signs and Lynch got to make a big show about not doing the debate because he doesn't cross picket lines.

Meanwhile the other candidates had already gone into the studio because THE PICKET LINE HADN'T BEEN OUT THERE when they had arrived.I know one other one had crossed. I'm not sure about the others.

So Lynch gets to be a big union guy AND gets out of the debates. In which he'd have to explain what an asshole he is.

So. There's all that.

And I wish I had a good way to sum this whole entry up. But I don't. Sometimes you just don't get to sum things up.

That's all.


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