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2002-02-19 - 10:05 p.m.

Quote of the day. From a bumper sticker on a car driven by a very elderly man somewhere in Cambridge:

"What Is Thee Doing About It?"

I love that. I thought of that all the way home. What is thee doing about it?

I don't know what I'm doing about it. Frankly. Any of it. I'm going to work and coming home is what I'm doing. On Tuesdays I go to the writing workshop or Wednesdays I go to Therapy and on alternate Friday's I'm talking about the book with the Editor.

I don't know what I'm doing about it. What does anyone do about it?

Sometimes I just sit in my cubicle and get frustrated and annoyed in between of writing articles at HIPAA. I interviewed someone the other day about a project they're working on.

I love when people get all into their jobs. This woman looked me in the eye. Very much like I was her dearest confidant or something. And said, "You know what's so funny? What's so funny is that some of these health insurance plans have a lifetime limit on hospice care. I mean *hospice* care! Why would anyone HAVE to put a lifetime limit of coverage on hospice care!"

She laughed a lot about that.

It cracks me up.

There's a lot of talk around the office about that new movie out. John Q. I think it's called. Denzel is in it. About a dad going crazy on a hospital for denying his son a transplant due to the fact of wrong coverage.

My boss was very indignant on Friday when the subject of this movie came up. We were talking around the lunch table. In between of taking bites of salad she goes...

"You *know*. It's the EMPLOYER who picks the benefit plan. It's the employer who chose not to cover the transplant. Not the HMO."

We briefly considered issuing a statement to the press about this movie. And about how our particular HMO has never denied transplant coverage.

These are the things that people do at work.

Remember when you were a kid and you imagined that people At Work somehow did Huge and Important Things. Involving Running the World or something close to it or at least just your local town square.

And what it all really comes down to is issuing press releases in response to movies.

What is Thee Doing About it?

I don't know either.


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