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2002-02-03 - 12:08 a.m.

Wait a minute.

I was going to write a rather wonderful little trip down memory lane that included some incredibly striking and yet pointed. Um. Points. About class issues even.

And have the whole bloody thing wrap up around a new mini skirt acquired on the clearance rack at Old Navy for $3 today and my still new red, patent leather Mary Janes that look quite smashing with the skirt mind you.


I got distracted. By. AND HAS ANYONE ELSE SEEN THIS? Got distracted by a late-night ad on BBCAmerica for an art kit for EGGS. For eggs. Eggstreme Art Kit.


And people think I'm the freak.

Anyway. I wanted to include the quote today from The Girl who looked at moi in the houndstooth, wool mini (very mini) and the red, patent leather mary janes and who said:

You are so New York.

And I very nearly swooned.

Sometimes she just says the right things.


I'm falling in coworker like. GREAT coworker like. She's actually my Very Best Coworker. She drove me home Friday. She's Italian. She lived in France. She worked for a good while as a French translator. She's smart as a whip. She plays Saturday Night Fever in her cubicle. She laughed at the Cutlass. She knew all the shortcuts around Roslindale. Her aunt used to live on my block.

And plus. She's. You know. Super Cute.


Heh. I've got red, patent leather Mary Janes.

Now I just need a place to wear them.


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