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2002-01-10 - 9:34 p.m.

I need to dry-clean my winter coat. I keep spilling coffee on it. Every day there's another little spot. I don't even really care much about totally wiping it off. I figure eventually I'll get it dry-cleaned and it'll all come out in the wash.

So to speak.

I bought a banana nut muffin on the way to work this morning. I ate half of it while I was attempting to piss off a 1999 Dodge Ram that was tailgating me for a half mile. I slowed down. That's the thing about people who tailgate. It's easy to piss them off. Just go slower. Don't let them pass. They're idiots. The guy kept flashing his lights because I was going all of 3 miles an hour slower than he thought he should be going.

I kept eating my muffin.

The idiot.

My work tip of the day. At the end of every day, I compile a to-do list for the next day. While everything's fresh. So I know what to do in the morning. What will occupy my time as the coffee kicks in. In the span of time in which I'm too. Something. To even care about wiping the coffee spots off of my powder blue winter coat.

That's from me to you.

I love this job.

I nearly want to whisper that. I don't want it to go away. With the exception of about $5-$10k, it's very nearly the job of my dreams. The entire company operates on consensus. That's brilliant. I have three meetings tomorrow. I have file folders now with little projects. All I have to do is write. There's a project manager. She's the one who figures out when things need to be done and what it is that we're going to do. And then she tells me what to write.

I don't want to talk about it too much. I'm afraid it's going to go away. Or something. I don't know. I love my job. I love sitting in the little cubicle and writing my little things. I like how everyone talks to one another. I like the jokes they tell. I like how catty they all are.

I like the cafeteria.

I don't know. I'm drifting.

Oh. There's no AIM access. That's the like one drawback.

Shhhhhhh..... don't tell anyone.

Oh. In other news. I've found someone to help me edit the book.

We're on a roll honey. And it's loaded with butter. Mostly.

I keep revising my glass half-empty/half-full statement. It's a continual run-around. I want firmly to believe actually that the glass is completely full if you look at it in the right light. I'm just not sure if I'm focused on the right glass or not.

Which is why I'm in corporate communications.


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